🐔 We are back, thankfully, to the markets! These first couple of weeks on the campaign trail aren’t, officially, campaign. So a few things are banned. Candidates have to figure out what they can do, while staying on the right side of the law. The kind of things the candidates do are, for that reason, not the part I love: with people attending, visiting markets, having meals with dozens of people. More toned down events, visits to factories, firemen, endless meetings. Those days are, finally, mostly gone!! Once in a while it turns out to be very cool, but mostly they are not. This week was better for photos.
🇸🇹 movieStar is gone, to the islands. tinyMovieStar is gone too. This was a very dark cloud, looming over the whole week, worst now that it’s here.
🚗 Car broke down. No time to figure out what’s wrong with it, just dumped it, got another one, and keep on driving. Will take care of it when this job is done.
☂️ New Boo! post. This time about a visit to Macau. Hope you like this one.
🦠 Virus still here. Still coughing. Nose still stuffy.
📺 Tokyo Vice. One episode. That was it, that how much TV I managed to watch this week.
⭐️ Manton announced the new pricing plans on M.b, and I just upgraded. No idea what I’ll use the extra blogs for, or bookmarks, or notes for that matter, but it felt like the right thing to do. It’s not a perfect service, but it’s not too far either. It’s a great deal.
🗳️ Still going on the campaign trail. Plenty of photos have been shared. Feb 8, Feb 9, Feb 10, Feb 11, Feb 12, none from Feb 13 (day off, carnival day), Feb 14. We had an event in Lisbon (on the 11th), but the rest of the time was spent in the district, with visits to a few of the cities there. Still pre-campaigning, so mostly private visits to companies, warehouses, factories, no public events, except the visits to the Carnival parties.
👸🏻 Day Off on Tuesday. Girls went to the theater. movieStar’s actress friend got them, again, invites for the show (this time Sleeping Beauty, the musical), and that included pizza at the director’s office, with his granddaughters. How happy can a little girl be? This happy.
🦠 I’ve been battling a cold for most of the week. It has been a while since I’ve had one, but it’s not surprising I’m feeling this way. We spend a lot of time outside, in the cold, and another lot inside, stuffier, with large groups of people. Easy to get a virus handed over by someone.
🌐 Driving all over the place. I like it. This was also the week when I finally got my car’s side view mirror replaced. It took a while to find one and, in the end, a slightly different one was sourced. Don’t really care, and wasn’t expecting to find one for a 98 car anymore. Feels good to be able to properly see again.
📺 A lot less tv this week. I have episodes of a few shows waiting in line, patiently. Managed a couple of mr&mrs smith episodes, to get to the end of it. A bit disappointed with this one.
🎙️ It’s Podcast Season! Many hours in the car = many hours of podcasts consumed. I’ve listened to the usual ones, tried a couple others, and even turned Broadcasts on! Listening to my RADAR radio, and some news. I don’t have the habit of news via radio anymore, but being on the campaign trail makes that almost mandatory.
🦄 Guezota has an account, and a page now. Yeah, that too. My online properties are endless! Still have to figure out what I’m doing with it though.
📖 Another trial of Reader, by Readwise. And I’m trying GoodLinks again, instead of Omnivore. The Reader part is just for fun, as I’m sure as hell not paying that much for it. GoodLinks has been promising highlights for a while, and they never arrive. On the other hand I’m not using them that much in Omnivore anyway. I wish I could still run GoodLinks on the laptop, as that is one of the reasons why I use Omnivore. I save stuff to it on the Air.
📝 Speaking of trials, M.b has a new feature: notes. I wanted to try it, but gave up after a (little) while. Tried upgrading to test the new notes feature, and apps. Was charged a strange amount (around $30), and got an email with the whole math. It was not clear for how long I subscribed, but never mind, let’s test the app. Had issues with dark mode, notebook renaming, and notebook deleting. There’s always one Notebook, it seems, one that keeps respawning. If I renamed it, another one would show up and become default. Silly. Annoying. So I got a couple of screenshots, and wrote a post. When I tried to publish it, I got a warning saying my hosted blog has been canceled, I needed to subscribe. But I just upgraded! Or didn’t I? Wasn’t I charged? Check, I was! I found this all incredibly odd, and decided to just forget it, and “downgrade” by signing up again for a single blog. Got charged another $13, and another email arrived with the math. I don’t get the math again. It’s all too strange, but I’m not too bright either. Again I’m not sure until when I’m subscribed. My account was set to renew in May, I was charged almost $40, so I guess I’m good for another year? My blog seems to be ok again, but already a photo failed to show up on the timeline. It did everywhere else (blog, Mastodon, Bluesky), but not on the timeline. Notes felt very much like a 1.0, as it probably should. And not worth the extra $50 I’d have to pay. Others seem very excited, I’m happy for them.
📷 Last part of the portraits session past Friday, and a new gig on Saturday. A respected gallery in town had two shows opening on the same day (Saturday), celebrating their 60th anniversary, and I was tasked with documenting the event. Again, not my favorite thing, but it’s a job. Can’t complain. Not complaining.
🐠 Dinner for everyone! Full house! The Italians were back, and there’s always a lot of people showing up along with them. We were the ones hosting this time. Fun!
🍛 Another meal worth mentioning is the one we had for lunch, on Sunday. At brother-in-law’s wife’s parents (is there a name for that?). So nice. We stayed the whole afternoon. They are the sweetest, and are super excited their grandson is coming soon. They thought it would be nice to throw another lunch party for my in-laws, and of course close family is invited as well.
🦄 tinyMovieStar broke a snow globe unicorn, and was really sad, sweet thing. But then the Grannies arrived, so all is good. I thought she might not remember it anymore, but the memory on this one is strong. She still mentioned the unicorn a few days later. Also said she missed Chouriço, the one that stayed behind in Istanbul. She gets REALLY attached to them.
🥵 editing,
🗳️ And back on the campaign trail, with my usual gang of politicians. I like them, and have a lot of fun doing this. Sadly we don’t have an election every year. It’s going to be a busy month, and the election happens on my birthday. I’m sure I’ll post a ton of photos from the road, you’ve been warned. It started already.
📺 mr.&mrs. smith. The end of The Crown. Sad there will be no more. But just got a notification about the new Tokyo Vice season, so there’s that…
🍿 The Greatest Night in Pop. Saw it last week, but forgot to add it. It was great.
📤 Subscribed to Smash again. Still love it to send large files, it’s one I pay for on and off. Whenever I have a big assignment, I’ll throw some money their way, and log back in.
🍇 Friday found me still working, waking up in the Algarve, shooting a couple more vineyards before calling it a day, and driving all the way back home. If felt really nice, being able to shoot these with time, not rushing things. Also sweet to do it with a new colleague, daughter of someone who used to work at the paper. We have dozens of friends in common, of course, it’s odd our paths never crossed before.
🥰 Missed the little one so much while I was away though, and she felt even worse. Cried when she got to school, telling the teacher I wasn’t home, and couldn’t take her to school. I had to take a selfie, and send it over. It’s not easy being away. In a couple of weeks we’re doomed, when movieStar travels to the islands. We’re trying not to overthink it, but it will not be pretty. It will be a rough month for all of us, the election is upon us, there’s a month to go, and I’ll probably spend that on the road.
👨👩👧 Weekend and Monday kinda glued together, with the trip to the in-laws, and mother-in-law’s birthday on Monday. We drove to Cascais for the celebration, right after picking tinyMovieStar from ballet. The dinner was at a nice restaurant in Cascais, at the marina, and involved a lot of meat, and a generous amount of beer as well.
✊🏼 The remaining days went by, pretty much unnoticed, until Thursday came along and I had to drive to Setúbal for some portraits. Basic, very basic, ones, but a good chance to meet my favorite group of politicians again. Had some issues with the strobes, but managed in the end. Soon we’ll be on the campaign trail again. I like that.
👵🏼 The Grannies adventure has finally reached a satisfactory ending, with the help of a friend who spotted a returned item on Amazon. This week was big for tinyMovieStar, as she also got her second ever haircut. We had to drive to a ghastly mall, but that’s where they have the carousel hairdresser. She loved it. We won’t complain when that happens.
👨🏻💻 Signed up for another social network, because why not? I’m not even going to use it, but like to know what the kids are up to these days. Daftsocial, and felt kinda slow when I tried it. Probably the result of many people signing up after it was shared everywhere. One thing that bothers me with this one: it does not work in mobile as well as it does on the laptop. Photos turn up in black and white on the iPhone, and show their full color version when you hover. Hover does not work on the iPhone. Sad.
📺 Criminal Record, still amazing. Tried Masters of the Air, but it felt SO fake, so badly acted, so poorly shot, so over the top, it looked like they were joking. And The Crown. Boy, oh boy, did I cry with this one. Episode 7 of this last season did it, it destroyed me.
💖 There is another post on Boo!, Marrakesh loveProject. Hope you enjoy this one as well. Next one is being written, we’re going back to Asia. Care to guess the country? I’m having a ball with this site!
🧻 Working on a decent blogroll. Still a lot to do.
🌐 Arc Mobile for IOS is out. Liking it. A few more updates, and it will be even better. Not ready to replace Safari as default, not yet. Not for me.
🕵🏻♂️ Kagi is back for me. Took me long enough, but it’s on for a year. No turning back this time.
⚙️ Installed Upptime, an uptime monitor that runs on GitHub. A repository, a GitHub Pages site, and some GitHub Actions. Another one of those easy puzzles I like to play with. Easy to install, probably useful to some. Unnecessary to me at this point (updown and Tinylytics are great), but good enough to kill a few minutes, and find out how these work. You can see it working here.
🛼 Of course my bedridden day had to go off course, and it happened because one of tinyMovieStar’s friends goes to roller skate classes. Obviously she wanted to try that as well! It’s, as usual, not far from home, but the heavy rain made it impossible to walk there. I drove the girls, with pleasure. She tried it, and loved it. Maybe we’ll have to add this to the ballet and swimming activities. Soon we’ll have one of these every day of the week!
🇸🇹 movieStar has a trip to the islands scheduled for the end of February. We’re staying behind this time. She used to do it a lot when we first met, she’d go every couple of months, and we’re all glad she does not have to travel so often at this point in time. The little one will miss her dearly, as will I, she has never spent so long away from mom. It’s going to be interesting.
🎉 Saturday plans were back on track, and we had another birthday party to attend. Two cousins, sisters, celebrated their 76 and 78 birthdays together. It was huge. We arrived shortly after lunch, and went on until well past dinner time.
🐌 The week slowly moved forward. I quite enjoy this routine, but like to have work days sprinkled throughout the week. January is, I’ve said it before, usually a slow month. But not this slow!
📷 Work! Finally! Two days, but it’s better than none! Nice trip too. Spending time away from the girls is no fun, though, and neither is seeing tinyMovieStar crying on the video call we did when she was going to sleep.
📺 Criminal Record. YouTube (Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert, hours long LoFi videos)
📓 Boo! launched. Really happy with how it’s turning out, Ghost really is awesome for this format, and there are three posts already up: Walking Meditation, The River Girl, and The Popcorn Stand. Hope you like them, and feel free to suggest photos you’d like to know about.
✏️ is also getting some love. Impossible not to do it, when Vincent keeps adding to this wonderful service.
🏊♀️ Saturday was a full day, that started with our return to swimming classes, after a couple of months away. tinyMovieStar is a little behind now, but did an incredible thing too. She went full underwater, and that was the thing keeping her away from the pool. The teacher was asked to give her a pass when that moment arrived, and he did. She still dove in at the end of the class. Amazing little girl, I’m proud of her every day.
🥘 In the evening we had dinner at my brother-in-law’s place, and the in-laws decided to join in, after telling us they wouldn’t drive into the city. It’s not a long drive, we do it every weekend, sometimes more than once. But they always make a big thing out of coming into the city. It should not be like that. 2024 might be the year when something changes in this relationship. Not thrilled, but it is what it is. We still need to figure this one out.
😝 Sunday, party day. One of tinyMovieStar’s little friends had a birthday, so we drove to Cascais for the celebration. Funny thing, and lucky too, my lovely mildly dyslexic wife misread the time of the appointment, so we slowly (very much so) drove there, in a very roundabout way, only to discover that we were in fact two hours late by the time we finally made it. A few of the school’s little buddies had been invited, so that was another chance for us parents to have a couple of beers. More on that later.
🩰 Ballet Monday, but that was only after two (as in twice, 2) drives to IKEA. Yes. I went to IKEA twice in a day! Shouldn’t I be getting some kind of award? A giant meatball, at least? Anyway, I love ballet Monday, and how much the little one seems to enjoy it.
🥰 Taking care of myself. I’m back to intermittent fasting, and cutting down on beer. Maybe I’ll even do a “dry some month”, now that January is half behind us, and I’m late for that one. Also walking a bit more again. Not as fun in the rain, but I must get back to it regularly. The Christmas season left it’s mark, and I must get fitter.
🦠 Shots were taken this well, both Covid and Flu. We should be thankful for our SNS (National Health Service). It took me two minutes to book both shots, for free, for two hours later, in a pharmacy on the next street over. Pretty nice, if you ask me. Also, the person getting the shots before I got in was an old friend, so we waited and talked for a while. Cool. A day later (when I’m publishing this), I’m in bed, with my joints aching, and my upper arms in some pain. Not terrible, but enough to give me a monster headache.
📷 No work whatsoever.
📺 The Brothers Sun ended. It was good. Will enjoy the next season, whenever it shows up.
🍿 Lift. Boy, oh boy, is this a shitty one! Predictable, feels-like-I’ve-seen-it-a-thousand-times, soooooo bad. I was recovering from the flu/covid shots combo, and it made me feel worse!
⭐️ Last Friday was, it turns out, appreciation day, even with all the complaining. The post did not start as such, but the service handles some things right. Hope the rest gets fixed. Also, used Scribbles for this, it’s a nice one.
👻 True to my Self-Hosting Woes, I launched another Ghost blog (Boo!) on PikaPods, and it’s still going. Not sure I’ll use it for something, but it’s fun to tinker. Mailgun has been set too, so I can use it to send the weekly thingsThisWeek, since this is as close to a newsletter as I’m likely to get. Sign up, or don’t, really. Not sure if it will make to next week.
🐳 Tried Beluga as well. There’s a profile, but I don’t think it will get a lot more than the initial post. Cool one, though.
📝 Also Gibberish, but I’ll leave that for next week.
🇹🇷 Friday was extra nice. Our Turkish friend was spending her last day in town, we joined her for lunch. Had a VERY nice burger in a spot I don’t visit often enough, with a yummy IPA. The girls went the opposite way and had oysters, shrimp, and white wine. All of us had a good time. When dinner time arrived we were joined by a brother in law, who found himself alone in the city, wife away in one of those corporate team building weekends. We cooked, he was tinyMovieStar’s toy for the evening, and she cried her heart out when he left. She was SO sleepy and tired by then, it took her two minutes to fall asleep.
🏊♀️ Still no way to talk the little one back into the pool. She says she will go “next time”, but she’s been doing that for a while. We will wait a bit longer before canceling the monthly payments, but would really love for her to properly learn how to swim. Maybe tomorrow she’ll wake up and wants to go.
👑 Kings Day was a blast. We had lunch at my parents (Saturday Classic), and then moved to the in-laws. I’m aware I’ve said it before, the house is always busy, but this time around it was incredibly so. The whole gang was around, and I mean all of it! There are a couple of family members who are harder to meet, as they live far from the country, and can’t always make it. They all did this time around. It was fabulous. Lots of singing, eating, talking, drinking, drawing.
😔 The rest of the week felt pretty shitty, truth be told. I need to find regular work, this freelancing thing is a mess. Work has been slowing down last year, and I do miss the steady pay. I’m pretty sure I’m not getting that again, not in the newspaper business, and I’m feeling a bit lost. Hope things brighten up, but it’s not easy to figure things out.
📺 The Brothers Sun. Good.
🍿 No movies this week.
🎙 Core Int, Extremamente Desagradável, Catching the Kingpins, Ruminate.
👻 Moving a Ghost blog. DinkiWinkiMinkiWinki was hosted at Ghost(Pro), and the one thing that kept bothering me for a while was the cost. The service is great, but I was paying a hefty sum to have the blog sit there, posts taking months to write. I was looking for an alternative, ever since I moved it to a monthly subscription, trying to force me to act, looking at the monthly payment. If I’d paid for a full year, I wouldn’t have done this. The blog is too big by now, over 5GB in photos, so that was also keeping me from moving. I was afraid, and lazy. In the end I went with PikaPods. It looks like a nice service, and hopefully stable enough so I don’t have to move again. The Ghost part of moving was impressively simple, with the provided zipped archive they sent on request. Everything (I mean EVERYTHING) is in there, so it’s just a matter of importing stuff into the new home. Then comes DNS (thanks for being cool, Porkbun), Cloudflare, Mailgun. A pain. But a manageable one. It took a couple of hours to sort through this mess, and it was done. There’s was a new post on DinkiWinkiMinkiWinki to celebrate the move, and I’ll try to get to the next one in less than a year. Promise. Also, I should write a longer post about this whole thing, especially about PikaPods. It’s an impressive service that a lot of people, who do not look at self-hosting with a favourable eye, could use.
🔎 Kagi is no more, at least not for me. Shitty attitude, on top of a shitty deal. Sad to see this one go. I have a feeling I’ll get back to it sometime in the future. Other search engines feel even worse than they did before trying this one.
🌐 Since is back in business, I thought it would be good to re-enable sidor♡life, the blog hosted at I refactored the Drafts action I used to post there (it now adds a date to the frontmatter!), and added that to another one, the action that posts the same thing to both M.b and at the same time. It works. Tinylytics works brilliantly with as well, so now I have Kudos on this blog too.
🧠 Went ahead and threw some money at GPT4 API. Nice. Cheap. Perfect for the new Shortcuts Jarrod made! The shortcuts are AWESOME.
🐰 I think I also solved my issues with It seems to be working now. CDN are fun.
⭐️ Wishing would stop having hiccups. It would be perfect without them. There are plenty other places, but none like it.
🎉 NYE was spent with the usual gang, plus another couple with two-year old twins. She’s Portuguese, just back home after 15 years in Argentina. Husband from Argentina. A really nice couple, and very talented with empanadas. I ate too much. We all did. The kids went to bed way too late, and that threw the whole week off balance.
😵 Tuesday (this week we’re calling it “Monday”) arrived, and it was time to forget all about excessive drinking, eating, and sleeping, and get back to the usual wake up time, and fight to get the little one dressed and out of the house. It didn’t work out as planned, sleeping schedule should be back to normal by… March? We then went to a couple of stores to deal with some returns (day off for movieStar), and back home. Editing photos. VERY Exciting.
🚗 This week I also had to visit my mechanic, a couple of things have been nagging me. He didn’t find them important, and told me to come back another day to have them properly checked. He did order the mirror that is broken. I had to run some errands after that, and ended up in IKEA. Not thrilled, but it was mostly painless. I will have to go back soon, movieStar did not approve one of the items purchased.
🇹🇷 We finally met our friend from Istanbul who’s visiting. We had a wonderful late afternoon/dinner with her, and the three kids who are traveling with her. Took them to a couple of our spots, and they seemed to enjoy their time, and the food. Mission accomplished. Still hope to see them again before the fly out.
🎥 This week there was a special homage to an old friend, at the Cinemateca (Film Museum/Art House). He’s a director but, most importantly, father of a couple of close friends of ours, and a very important figure in my late teens/early adulthood. He lives close by, and we still see him often. I stopped by, hang for a bit, and walked back home. Didn’t stay for the movies, but had to go there.
📺 Finished the short Stonehouse. The Crown is back on. Slowly.
🍿 I’m on a roll! We watched a few this week. Barbie. Finally. Loved it. Ricky Gervais: Armageddon. Did not like. At all. The Killer. Lukewarm. Hell Dogs. Love these Japanese movies.
📚 Picked up The Last Resort again.
⭐️ M.b Importing static content. Neat trick. I kinda got it to work. As with most things these days, not 100%, and no way I can figure out why it will not perform to that level.
📱 Turned ON notifications on Gluon, and OFF on the official app. They are just not reliable, not after this many years. Gluon’s notifications even have the incredible, and revolutionary feature of taking you to the actual conversation they refer to! I’m using Gluon almost exclusively now. The M.b app isn’t great, that’s the truth. For a service with so many moving parts, and an app that can be used as a full ActivityPub client, it’s very basic. Glad Gluon, and Vincent, are around. Sorry about the rant.
🐰 has CDN, it has storage, it has fonts. And it’s cheap. Perfect to play with. I’m using it to serve Atkinson on the blog, and wanted (for a while now) to have a way to easily send files over, and get a link back, ready to paste into a post. Not that I need it, mind you, but for the challenge. Yes, it’s a challenge for me. I tried before, and gave up. The Shortcut seemed impossible to tweak. This week I decided to try again! I did it. Using Dropshare to upload inside a Shortcut, and a few issues solved with the filename, but I did it! Of course things can’t just be perfect, so I now have an IP from Hong Kong trying to load a file every minute! That has (with the help of many) led me to learn a bit more about the whole CDN. Tricky stuff, for my untrained skills. This will be an ongoing task.
📆 HEY has released their Calendar app. Well, not really the app, because Apple won’t approve the actual thing, but web version for now. There’s also an Android app out already, if you use that. On the web (laptop) it’s fine. Nothing spectacular, but full of little ideas that I can see myself using. Sadly it’s not great yet on mobile, and that’s where I need it to shine. Nowhere near the kind of polish we get with Fantastical, for one. I’m aware this is v1.0, and I’m looking forward to the app, and see how it evolves.
🍱 I’d been trying to have lunch, or a beer, with a friend of mine for a while now. His life got in the way (big time), and we’ve have been unable to see each other for what feels like months. This week, right before Christmas, we finally got around to it, after another failed attempt last week. If felt good. His life is a huge mess, and he does not deserve it. At all. We cannot help, not in any meaningful way, except by being there.
😵💫 Seeing that this is the season to celebrate and be merry, on Friday we had dinner with more friends. At home. I cooked, with the help of one of them, and the girls and kids played around. Always nice when this family shows up. Acted as a trial for what would come later, kids running around screaming, too much sugar on their system, and parents trying (unsuccessfully) to keep things under control.
👶🏻 Saturday: pizza, beach, babies. Yes. All that. movieStar thought we could go to the beach, enjoy the incredible weather we’re getting, and get some pizza at a nice pizza place by the sand. She messaged one of her brothers who lives there, and he talked to the other one. Soon we were nine. We had pizza, a stroll on the beach, a visit to the Christmas fair, a ride on the Ferris wheel, and then we got the news: both wives of my brothers-in-law are pregnant!! Darn! We’re going to be uncles, twice! BIG news to share as a Christmas present. Everyone was super thrilled. tinyMovieStar is getting some cousins!
🎄 Not sure how to start, or IF to start. It’s a blur, still. Christmas, both days. We drove up and down the highway, meeting both families. On my end a smaller event, but a HUGE one with movieStar’s family. Since both my mother-in-law and her sister live on adjoining houses, and all the sons made their way home for Christmas, with their families as well, it gets crowded! Party well into the night, with the little ones dancing around, and the older crowd playing poker into the night, after most went to sleep. The following day felt like the same, Part II. More partying, more food, more drinking, more family. Kids going crazy with attention, excitement, sugar. Everyone is exhausted by the end of all this. When the three (?) days were over, all I could think about was staying in bed all day. Of course that was not going to happen.
🍦 Tuesday. Time to drive back to the city. We dropped the little one with her uncles, and they went to the movies. Alone. First time the little one did that. She loved it. Her aunt (now pregnant) spoils her. We met them at the end, and had pizza, ramen, and ice-cream to top things off. Great.
🍺 Lazy Wednesday. We found out movieStar got us flight tickets to Menorca! We welcomed the little one’s godmother (in town from London), and my best friend, for dinner. We’re all huge fans of both of them, and always have a great time. We cooked, didn’t go out. Cosy, late into the night, with (maybe) a little too much beer thrown in. Waking up the following day would not be easy.
🎥 Thursday started at noon. movieStar had a meeting, so I grabbed the little one and went to the movies. Back home, watched another movie before dinner time. She still has another week before school resumes. Not sure we’ll make it that far. We’re VERY exhausted by now.
🍿 We did watch a few movies this week. Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising. What a load of crap, as they say. I’ll say that as well. Laughed once. Candy Cane Lane. Had high hopes. It’s bad. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. A classic, still the best one out of all the crap. Wish was not great. The Grinch was pretty good.
📺 Blue Eye Samurai. Done. Liked it, well worth the time. Looking forward to the promised next season. Slow Horses. One of the great shows, in my opinion, has also ended. You will be missed, Jackson Lamb and friends. See you all later. Stonehouse, just an episode. Will probably watch it all. It’s a small, three episodes long show.
😅 Updated my /now page. One of those services I keep forgetting about. Thanks ner3y!
✏️ If you’re looking for more ways to use your account, you can now try, a pretty nice (and very basic) text editor that uses your pastebin as cloud storage.
🙅🏻♂️ Deleted my Substack account. All my subscriptions were deleted, and then my account. Tired of Nazis. It was MUCH harder to stop using Twitter. That account is still ON. Not using, but it’s there. This one was gone without a second thought. I’ll miss a few newsletters that I subscribed to, but that’s it. I’ll survive.
🚨 Threw another €10 at That’s enough to keep an eye on 5 sites for a year. The service works great, is very decently priced, no reason not to keep supporting it.
🖼️ Bought another set of wallpapers. How many do I need? These look sweet, though.
🌐 Got again. Adding all the subdomains again…
😈 We caved in, and subscribed to YouTube Premium. That’s what you get when you get the kids in the family together: we add another service to our growing list of family subscriptions. We actually wondered how we didn’t include this one earlier, seeing that we already had almost every streaming service in the country (Amazon, Netflix, HBO, Apple, and Disney). It took me 5 minutes to get used to no ads, and I’m already trying YouTube Music. Maybe it’s time to say goodbye to Spotify?
🎥 Added another streaming site subscription, this one as a gift: FILMIN. Art, independent, alternative, you name it. Catalog looks incredible. I’m sure we’ll watch a few, that will surely take us back to our younger days, when we’d regularly go to the Cinemateca, and binge on vintage Italian movies!
🥳 Party Weekend. We had three birthday parties this time around. One on Saturday, two on Sunday. We went to bed way too late on Saturday, so were thankful that one of the Sunday ones was canceled. But another was just around the corner, on Monday. A cousin turned 4.
😤 For this birthday party we had to drive out of the city, but not even too far. To one of the closer suburbs. Still, it took us over an hour and a half to get there! And 20 minutes to get back! How do people go through this every day? It’s crazy! Waze kept trying to sort things out, but traffic was stuck everywhere. We did have a lot of fun when we finally made it. I’m happy that tinyMovieStar has cousins her age, and that she gets to play with them once in a while. The kid’s father (movieStar’s cousin) has the most amazing man cave, covered with lego and old school gaming consoles. He even built an arcade machine himself, with dozens of games.
💤 The little one, also spent a night at her grandparents, as another cousin a couple of years older than she is was spending a few days with her grandmother as well. I drove there to drop her off, stayed for a while, and drove back. She enjoyed it, we got to watch some tv on an empty house. I still miss her awfully when we’re separated. We picked her up the following day. She was not happy to leave, I can tell you that. We found her learning how to play videogames on a Switch, dancing to Tik Tok challenges, and other stuff not totally appropriate for her age, I guess.. Add chocolate to that, and you can imagine the kind of three-year old we have at the moment living with us.
🏊♀️ As suspected, we did not attend swimming class this week. Or ballet class. Teacher was sick on latter, tinyMovieStar sick of it on the other.
👵🏻 The Grannies! We searched on dozens (yes!) of shops. Then the community decided to lend a hand, so the search now stretches from Lisbon to London (Oxana rules!), and two locations in the States (thank you, Charlie, and Luke). We were then joined by the Chaves gang, covering the north of the country, and Galicia. That adds another country to the list. A transcontinental search for a €15 toy! We still haven’t been able to find The Grannies from Bluey. No one cares about them but our little one, no shop carries them, and this has been THE quest this Christmas.
🧿 IVPN renewed for a year. I’d been getting a few months at a time, up till now, but decided to spring for a full year. Saved a couple of months, and I’m very happy with it anyway. In the past I’d get these super saver 3-year things on some other service, and then move providers before the time was up. Ended up not using the whole period. Silly.
🔮 I am SO impressed by the alt text generator in Mimi. I don’t even try to do it myself anymore. It needs minimal editing, once in a while, but it’s perfect most of the time. In my opinion it’s a great use of AI.
🛍️ I moved my shop (yeah, I had one) to Gumroad. Since I never sold a single photo on that shop, I might as well go for wallpapers on the new one, and add photos. I’m busy while doing it, that’s the important bit. I don’t think I’ll sell anything here as well.
🍿 The Family Plan. Meh. From the series “Shitty Movies I Watch”.
📺 Bored to Death, episode one. I like Zach, I like Ted, I don’t mind Jason. That’s why. Not sure if I’ll move on to episode two, though. Watched a few episodes of Blue Eye Samurai. And, we finally got here, we could start watching season 6 of The Crown. Last, but not least, my favorite at the moment: Slow Horses. I wait for it every week, and watch as soon as it lands.
🎙️ Back to podcast listening, with so much driving around on my own again. Smartless, HemisphericViews, and a couple others.
🧊 IceCubesApp is what I’m using to browse Mastodon, almost exclusively, these days. It has come a very long way. Tons of cool icons too. Still keep Mona around, but this is the one on my Dock at the moment. Let’s see how long it lasts there. This is also the app where I first came across AI powered alt text generation.
thingsThisWeek #89
One more week of on the road. This update was very rushed.
thingsThisWeek #88
Another week spent mostly on the road. Not a lot to add to that.
thingsThisWeek #87
Busy week. Missed that feeling. Short updates this time, and a day early. I can post it today, not sure about tomorrow.
thingsThisWeek #86
It was what I’d call a pretty regular week. Meaning I had some work, some worries, some fun. Not as much free time as I had gotten used to, so this edition of thingsThisWeek feels kinda rushed to me.
thingsThisWeek #85
New online project started. Not a lot else to rave about. Short edition, I’m afraid.
thingsThisWeek #84
Messy week, yet again. Not sure what to make of it, but everything seems a bit off balance.
thingsThisWeek #83
Last one of the xMas-themed celebrations: Kings Day. And I must really find a job. Really. It was a messy week.
thingsThisWeek #82
Into the new year. Slowly.
thingsThisWeek #81
The Christmas Edition. Some parts might be missing. We were BUSY!
thingsThisWeek #80
That part of the year when we’re just cruising along, waiting for it to end… Almost done with 2023. Also, sorry about the photo. This was not a week for photos. Anyway, Happy Holidays, if you celebrate, see you on the other side.