🌈 The Rainbow Collection

On top of the one already posted, a few more from yesterday’s rainbow. They are so rare here, I felt I had to share.

A vibrant rainbow arching down from a cloudy sky and touching the treetop of a lush forested island, with calm water in the foreground.

A picturesque sky with a prominent golden-yellow cloud, contrasted by a partial view of a rainbow emerging from the lower right corner. The overall scene evokes a serene and slightly surreal atmosphere.

A child wades through a shallow stream on a sandy beach with a vibrant rainbow arching from the sky to the shoreline. In the background, a lush, forested area extends out into the ocean under a cloudy sky.

Street scene at sunset with orange-yellow clouds and a faint rainbow. An old, weathered building is on the right, while another building with a red roof is on the left. The street is empty and lined with fences and overhead wires.