A picturesque coastal scene featuring clear turquoise waters, rocky cliffs, and lush greenery. People are swimming and paddling in the vibrant water, and a small boat can be seen in the distance.

We’ve been to Menorca for a week, Chaves for another one, and are now back in Lisbon, waiting for our next plane ride out of here. Next up: Azores.

🏖️ Menorca was awesome. I know I probably use awesome more often than I should, but it was. Easy, simple, amazing beaches, good food, nice people.

movieStar left her phone at home, but we managed to find a way to get it to her. Five or six people involved in the operation, but she did get it on the second day, when our friends joined us on the island.

At the same time, adding a bit more stress to the week, we got the news: the girls who live in the place we own are getting a divorce, and moving out in a month. I need to find new tenants, but we’re on the move for close to three months. It sucks. For them, of course, but for us as well. That rent is what allows me to have as little work as I can, but I don’t like having people I don’t know living in my place. Thankfully the girls are helping along (immensely), and I believe the situation might be sorted, two weeks later.

Menorca was, as I said, great. movieStar managed to find us a very cool apartment, in a nice and quiet place, with a swimming pool. Walking distance to a beach, and dozens of other ones available with a car (or bus, if you’re so inclined).

Quieter than Ibiza, or Maiorca, it’s the perfect place for families. Half the plane passengers were under 10. Most of those (judging by the return flight) went straight to the resorts at the only unbearable place on the island: Galdana. Taller buildings, all inclusive. Hell.

We took our time visiting a multitude of beaches, and smaller villages. We had fun.

Most of the beaches have a very nice system: there is car parking far from the beach. You leave your car there, stock up on water, and make your way to the beach on foot. There is no infrastructure on the beach, except for a bathroom.

If you’re lucky, you’ll find someone pushing a small container with beer and water.

On one of these we found a gentleman selling beer for xtra-hombres. A very delicious, and stronger, beer made in Zaragoza. We drank the four cans he had, and then had to go back to being regular hombres.

This was also the beach where we figured we couldn’t survive without a beach umbrella. No shade whatsoever. I started asking people who were leaving if they’d be kind enough to sell their umbrella, and the third one said yes. I offered to pay well above what they cost, but they wouldn’t accept it. Nice people.

We also made our way to Binibeca, had fish at restaurant in Alcaufar, ate tapas at Maó’s fish market, and a delicious meal at Aurora’s, in Ciutadella.

Another day, another beach: Cavalleria.

I had a wardrobe malfunction, but quickly found a shop in Fornells, when I was able to find a shirt before sitting down for dinner. The local festivities were taking place, we strolled around after ice-cream. tinyMovieStar, again, quick to make friends. She speaks the cutest Spanish, and loves it when kids understand her.

Final full day, Galdana. Meh. Ciutadella by night, again.

We slept, packed our bags, loaded them in car, and made our way to the final beach: Mitjana. More beer. More cliff jumping. We left hours later, straight to the airport. Sand clinging to our legs and feet. Happy. Very.

Note: Internet speed on the island is crazy slow, when compared to what we have at home. But roaming in the EU is super these days, when compared to what we had in the past. You cross a border, the phone picks up the new network, and that’s it. No extra fees, no extra hassle. You just use it as if you’re home. Brilliant.

🎵 We landed in Lisbon, went home to pick up the car, and were back on the road. Spent less than an hour there. Off to Chaves, and the wonderful N2 festival. Branko as favorite show this time.

We spent time with our buddies, family, and worked my ass off. Pool time too.

tinyMovieStar got to know one of singers she likes, and also made soup at the restaurant where we eat our meals. Everyone loves her, they know her since she was born, and it really feels like we are visiting family.

Since we had some time after the actual festival, we thought it would be a good idea to visit Santiago de Compostela. It’d been years since I was there, and movieStar had never been. Off we went.

🇪🇸 Santiago is packed full of religious tourists, but we still had no trouble finding a parking spot, and a place for lunch. We did not stay too long. Time for photos, churros, and drove back.

🏟️ Throughout the weeks, we’ve watched part of the Olympics. Not too much, but a lot more than on previous years.

🌈Purchased a pack of Wes Anderson filters for Lightroom. Loving it for a specific type of photos.

🗞️ Feedbin renewal, subscription paid for another year.

🔋 Ordered a Sharge Retro 67. It will probably arrive when we’re not home. It will probably be returned.

🍿 Movies, finally. The Beekeeper, Cesária Évora, The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare.

📱 I’ve been mostly offline, while still holding a phone all the time. Photos, videos, maps, shopping, it’s impossible to get away.