A tray with several disposable cups filled with coffee and a selection of sugar packets on the side, set on a table with a colorful print.

Not a lot to report. Lonely, busy, tired. That’s about it.

  • 😭 Tired of being away from the girls. This is the worst. It hurts.

  • πŸ₯° In tinyMovieStar news, not so great visit on Sunday. Drove in the rain for a couple of hours, spent an hour looking at her sleep (awesome), and then got very poorly treated by my own little daughter. Drove back in the rain. Tried video-calling on Tuesday, and the little one screamed at me, while telling me she didn’t want to speak to me. Did the same to movieStar. I was able to try another sleepover on Wednesday, and she welcomed me with open arms! She missed me, I missed her. She has, naturally, a hard time processing these feelings. It’s the first time she goes through this. She’s never been away from both of us, and I had spent one night away from her only until now. Never two.

  • 🚘 Still on the road as official occupation. Every day. Saw a very funky car, the coolest market we visited so far, went south, to the district’s capital city again, Baixa da Banheira (usually the most depressing day of the whole campaign), and Barreiro. Still having fun. Very long days, but a lot of fun. As my car broke down, and it’s not getting younger, I added an ACP (think AAA) subscription. It will be handy if/when something happens again.

  • πŸŽ™οΈ The End of Vice. Interesting episode. Offers a glimpse into the world of online journalism. Also odd to hear so many “Fuck” on an episode of Cyber. The last one.

  • πŸ“Ί Keeping up with Tokyo Vice, saw two episodes in a week. Not really an accomplishment, but I’m so tired everyday when I finally make it home, I’ll just crash.