sticker spotter has changed a bit, again. I still did not want to kill it altogether, but needed to move some things around.

mockup of an iPhone with a blog on a browser.

The pop-up project, supposed to last a couple of months, started as a blog, and lived there for a year. I then moved it to, as an independent blog. It has happily been hosted here for another year. That year is coming to an end, and it’s moving again.

Hard to believe, but sticker spotter is now entering its third year.

sticker spotter now lives at, as a category. You can get all the photos by clicking here, or the link up on the navigation. The stickerspotter domain is also redirecting here already.

Only a couple of photos at the moment, but will try to import the whole thing. Hopefully Manton has a trick for that.

All social media accounts associated with sticker spotter will probably fade away. I’d love to still have a way to post to stickerspotter at, and will try to figure this one out. No promises though..

There is an RSS feed for this category alone, if you’d like to subscribe to these, and not the whole maique thing.

It’s, feel free to subscribe again.

This is probably the biggest annoyance, if you subscribed to the original feed. Sorry about that. It won’t move again anytime soon.

sticker spotter is dead, long live sticker spotter!