Mom and daughter, hand in hand.

Messy week, plenty of work (too much, maybe?).

  • πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ« Adulting-wise, the week started with a PTA meeting at kindergarten. What. A. Long. Meeting. The kindergarten where tinyMovieStar spends her days has a fun story, and I’m not sure I’ve told it before. Back in 74, right after the Revolution, parents occupied the building where the school stands today. Available kindergartens were not enough, and they decided to do something about it. A board was created, and a kindergarten was born. Others did the same, elsewhere. Over the years the others turned into a more regular managerial style, but this one is still managed by the parents. Some are parents of kids who left the school over a decade ago. They just love the model so much, the volunteer their time. It’s really cool.

  • 🍰 We had a birthday party at the park, as another one of the kids at school celebrated her birthday. There’s one every week, as we have over 50 kids at her school. This was a cool one. Since these kids have been here for a couple of years now, parents are also a lot more friendly, and familiar. We enjoy a beer, the kids have a lollipop and some cake. We’ll have to start skipping some, eventually, but we’re still attending. Most parents are really cool too.

  • 🍰 And, trying to keep the party going, a friend also had her birthday celebration, this time at home. Dinner with family (big one), and friends. Plenty of kids as well.

  • πŸ“· Doing the hospital rounds again for work. This week I had Tuesday, and Wednesday shoots at two different hospitals. Waking up before sunset, well before sunset, off to work, and back home just in time to wake the movieStars up. Next week I’m back at it, a couple more days. These are usually fun. Not brilliant fun, but entertaining. One of the pluses is that there are not a lot of photos to edit when I get back home. Best case scenario I’ll send 15/20 of each session, meaning not a lot of time spent at the computer. Sunday was different, a big conference, with an assortment of events: concerts, theater,… Monday was go out of Lisbon and work day.

  • πŸ“Ί The Morning Show, season 3. Slow start. No time.

  • πŸŠβ€β™€οΈ This was also the week when tinyMovieStar had her first swimming lesson. We walked down the street to the Clube Nacional de Natação, and watched as she walked into the pool. She had a wonderful time. The teacher made sure she felt comfortable, and was always paying attention to her. She missed a couple of classes already, so the other kids were feeling a little more at home. She was named “captain of the team”, and that helped a lot. She spent the entire class looking at mom and dad, giving us thumbs up, and smiling. She loved it. Of course, when night came, she said she didn’t want to go anymore! That’s her thing this month: having fun, and then letting us know she will not do that anymore.

  • ⭐️ Photoblogging Challenge is ongoing. This week’s entries can be found here: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25. Again, not a perfect week.