tinyMovieStar piggyback riding, at the beach.

  • 🏑 After a few days with the in-laws, we drove back to the city. We missed our home. Sleeping in our beds. Showering in our own bathroom. We left again, soon, but felt really good.

  • πŸ“Ί Bear. End of Acapulco (when in heaven’s name will we get season 3?? Hate cliffhangers!). Afterparty, Telemarketers, and Platonic.

  • πŸ“· Had a couple of assignments on the same day, ones that included a lot of driving around the Alentejo. Hot. As usual around this time of the year, it’s impossible to drive a bit without smelling burnt wood. Forest fires are, sadly, so common around here. Truck on fire too on the highway as well. Crazy. Spent what felt like the whole day in the car, as locations were scattered around the area, with loads of driving time between them. Still, I do miss the days when this was my main occupation, I love shooting proper newspaper assignments.

  • πŸ¦† We spent a couple of hours at Gulbenkian’s garden. We wanted to go there for so long, and somehow it never happened. It’s beautiful, close to home, and we had fun. I even got bitten by a duck!

  • πŸ–οΈ For the weekend, we drove to Setubal, and took the catamaran to Troia. A friend has an apartment there, and invited us to spend a couple of days. The movieStars love the beach, so off we went. Sadly, the father of the girl inviting us is not a very happy person, he’s quite bitter, and he was also there. I spent way too much time with him. That took a toll. Other than that, lovely days. Beach is fine there, water cold as usual. It’s a beautiful part of the country, and quite busy during the summer months. Got to watch a movie outdoors, have a nice food truck meal (with huge lines), and Bolas de Berlin on the beach. Yay.

  • πŸ₯΅ Not a lot else happening, so we just did a full 360, and are back at the in-laws. It’s super hot now (40+C), we’re mostly staying home, trying to survive.