100 Days, Day 005
Manjaro Day. Or hour.
Less personal this time. I have a couple of posts I want to write, but they’ll take longer, there’s just no time right now to focus on those topics and write for an hour or two.
So I decided to get the old SSD disk out of the bag and leave macOS for a day, trying to manage things on the Linux side of life.
Five minutes later I was ready to move back to the cosy side. System was a bit out of date, since I haven’t used it for a few months. Updating was not working, some dependency issue. Found a way to fix that, and was smooth sailing afterwards, but 30 minutes had already passed. Half an hour is not a lot but, at this point in life, it is.
Things I missed instantly:
- Micro.blog client
- Drafts (this one I miss a lot!)
- Goodlinks, now that I moved away from Pocket
- Tot - I keep my Flickr tags there and other stuff I need daily
The list would go on, but I just gave up.
I could find replacements for some, but don’t really want to. And there is no app that replaces Drafts.
In the end I gave that up pretty quickly.
I like tinkering with Linux, and finding new apps, solve little issues I might have, discover new ways of doing things. But that’s when I have time. And, at the moment, I just need things to work on the limited time I have available. So it was a pretty short stay on Linux, and I’m back where I began, writing this one on Drafts.
This is day 005 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. You can find out all about this project at 100daystooffload.com.