There is a lot to learn. A lot.

TinyMovieStar is now a day short of two months, and this has been a ride.

We can count ourselves lucky, she’s perfect and extra quiet, but it’s been the adventure of our lives. Figuring out everything, even with a healthy baby, is an incredible experience. One I never wanted to have, until I found the right woman, quite late in life, but one I’m embracing and loving with all my heart.

These two months have been full of wonder and doubt, happiness and sleep deprivation, and I don’t even want to look forward and think about the worries I’ll have, the moments when I’ll have, yet again, the feeling that I have no idea what I’m doing.

Because I really don’t.

This is day 002 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. You can find out all about this project at