⛄ New item added to to-do list: Check webcams on a ski town in Spain. Fingers crossed there’s snow after Christmas.
🗺 Hey, look, it’s Hemispheric Views Day in Sticker Land!
💵 The new travel magazine that will use my photos from the islands is US-based. To get paid I’ll need a W-something or other form, and also jump through some hoops before I see the money. No idea what my tax situation will be after all this. On top of everything, they don’t even pay that well.
🍰 We had a very full day, with two birthday parties. tinyMovieStar slept on the way back, but woke up when we got home. It’s close to 11PM, and she’s still rambling about how some kids in her school are too naughty to grab a spot on the good Santa list.
🥃 Back home. movieStars met me at the concert, had dinner there, and we came home together. While there I was introduced to the most amazing cachaça I’ve ever tasted! Great might, in the end.
😊 Off to shoot a concert. Pro-bono, almost. Would rather be home with the girls, but… it’s a pro-bono situation.