🧀 Why am I only trying Kerrygold Aged Cheddar right now?
📺 Billie Eilish: Tiny Desk Concert. Worth your time.
😊 Cool thing happening on the island next year.
A Radical New Approach to Ecotourism, Conversation in “Galapagos of Africa” - Bloomberg
⚡️ I have to look into changing power and natural gas provider. I suspect we’re paying more than we have to. Picking a new one involves figuring out a few variables, and checking spreadsheets and stuff. I know it will be a pain! I hate these exercises.
⛄ New item added to to-do list: Check webcams on a ski town in Spain. Fingers crossed there’s snow after Christmas.
🗺 Hey, look, it’s Hemispheric Views Day in Sticker Land!