
    Praying Time

    One of many beautiful temples in Mandalay. Dozens are worth a visit.

    People pray inside a temple in Mandalay. The temple is mostly green, with a row of Buddha statues on the right side.


    Rise and Shine

    Happy Monday, hope there’s a great week ahead.

    a girl sleeps inside a temple


    U-Bein Blues

    Another highlight of the Myanmar part of the trip: the U-Bein bridge.

    a girl looks to the left of the camera, while a woman enters the frame, barely visible


    Getting ready for the weekend.

    two girls talk, colorful dresses on both

    Today’s reminiscing still in Myanmar.


    Good Morning

    A very serious look, by a very serious boy.

    a boy monk looks seriously into the camera

    🇲🇲 🧐


    Asked movieStar to name one of the countries we visited during our honeymoon (still needs updating), and this is the one she picked.

    nuns in Myanmar, dressed in pink robes

    Adding a few more to the bSides Myanmar page then…


    And… It’s off to 🇲🇲Myanmar, the next stop on theAmazingHoneymoon! Awesome, sad, incredible, worth it.

    The River Rider

    My mind keeps going back to this suffering people. When will it all end?

    🇲🇲 ✊🏼


    🛵 🇲🇲

    Hello, yellow.

    👰🏻 🇲🇲

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