
    🇯🇵 I might have ordered a GW-5000U. Fingers crossed it gets here before we fly out.

    🇯🇵 Instant Nippon. Just add water.

    A tub of “NIPOMIX”, with the flag of Japan next to the brand.

    🇯🇵 Weird Moment of the Day (™): strangest photo I’ve taken in Japan. What is even going on?

    A weathered poster featuring several people, some in professional or formal attire and others in uniform, affixed to a window with a reflection and a cartoon bear illustration visible in the background.

    🇯🇵 Should be editing photos, but an episode of Tokyo Vice was waiting. Guess what I'm doing?

    🇯🇵 WHAT?? I did not expect this to show up today! YES!

    🇯🇵 Christmas morning for the girls.

    A package of Keana Rice Mask on a patterned cloth.

    🇯🇵 Candidate

    A poster on a dirty wall. It’s a political campaign poster.

    🇯🇵 A subject that pops up regularly when driving with this particular friend, Japan. That led me to dig through the archive for unedited/less published photos.


    A rainbow painted in a wall, seen from a train station.

    A 7-Eleven in Japan.

    A man stands in the platform at a train station, as a train rides by.

    A giant Ferris wheel is seen from inside some sort of industrial building.

    🇯🇵 It’s the little things. That’s what I’m missing today…

    Prayers at a temple.

    Cards at a convenience store.

    Warning about cigarette smoke.

    A closed shop door.

    A closed shop, with Hello Kitty on the door.

    🇯🇵 I miss it all.

    Bicycles are parked in front of 7-11.

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