🚶🏻‍♂️ We walked the dog.

A young child walking away from the camera down a narrow path surrounded by tall grass, wearing a red hoodie and patterned pants, with a blurred natural background.

📚 Finally found my pet peeve with Kobo. It was not too easy.

I wish books not purchased from Kobo would sync across devices. Seems like all my previously bought books load with no issues, but do not sync.

I could load them on multiple apps, but reading progress will not update.

👀 Quick walk to the supermarket, we needed stuff for breakfast. Next up: lunch celebrating Dad’s birthday, and tomorrow’s Mother’s Day.

A weathered white pipe against a wall with peeling paint, next to the word “Olá” written on the wall.

A textured image with a botanical specimen at the center flanked by small illustrations on white pieces of paper and Japanese characters at the bottom.

😳 Seems like I’ll be shooting the campaign after all. Unlike the last one, I’ll be spending some nights away. Can’t say I’m thrilled, but it should be fun. And exhausting.

🐶 Kobo’s dog ears are cute.

A black-and-white comic strip panel depicting a character bound in a straitjacket in a room with padded walls, and other characters appear in the background. The surrounding scene includes dialogue bubbles with text, and an image of a high-rise building.

🥘 Today we sat at the counter. tinyMovieStar suggested it, so we skipped the usual table.

A woman and a child sitting at a bar, with the woman facing away from the camera and the child in a red jacket facing sideways. Shelves with wine bottles are visible in the background along with a sign that reads “REAL Fabrica."

💴 Negotiating another campaign coverage. European Parliament election in a month or so.

⌚️ We got tinyMovieStar an analog watch a couple of weeks ago. She was turning four, and the watch matched her sneakers.

She now knows how to tell time (even if she has no real idea). She’ll go “You said you were picking me up at 4, and it’s 5 already”.

Yes, our little one is turning into me.